The tables below show our current prices water tanks & water tank stand prices. We have separated the price lists between 5000 litre, 1000 litre, 10000 litre and 2000 litre capacity tank stands.
The prices do not include transport or delivery. We calculate it separately depending on the location. So to get a full quotation including transport fill in the form below and we’ll send you your quote on email or WhatsApp.
Tank stand only refers to the price of the steel tank stand alone
Stand installation refers to the price for labour, cement, sand, stones used to mount the tank stand into the ground
Plumbing price refers to the plumbing labour, pipes and plumbing fittings and accesories used to connect water pipes from an existing water source to the tank’s inlet. As well as to connect water pipes from the tank’s outlet to the house’s existing plumbing
We have installed over a 1200 tank stands since 2014. Over the years we have researched and decided on a tank stand design that does not collapse. The largest stands we’ve fabricated and installed...